Health & Community

Conduct Manual Handling Safely | SA & WA campus-based learning


Open Colleges School of Health (RTO 40049) offers the nationally accredited HLTWHS005 Conduct Manual Handling Safely competency specifically designed for individuals within the healthcare industry such as nurses, aged care workers, disability support workers, and NDIS providers. Many healthcare industry jobs require a range physically demanding tasks throughout the day which require manual handling qualifications to ensure physical well-being and safe practice. Our course provides the practical skills and underlying knowledge for safe manual handling practice.
  • Nationally Recognised
  • Campus & Online
  • SA: 2nd, 9th and 16th February 2024
  • WA: 9th and 23rd February 2024
  • WA: 8th and 22nd March 2024
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Conduct Manual Handling Safely | SA & WA campus-based learning

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Conduct Manual Handling Safely | SA & WA campus-based learning

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Conduct Manual Handling Safely | SA & WA campus-based learning

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Intro to Conduct Manual Handling Safely | SA & WA campus-based learning

Empower Your Career with Conduct Manual Tasks Safely

Our course is designed according to relevant Commonwealth, SA & WA State legislation. The Hazardous manual tasks code of practice is also inclusive to this training. Training is delivered by our experienced and highly skilled educators
within a simulated environment equipped with hospital beds, patient hoisters, slide sheets, and wheelchairs. These task-based equipment enable you to develop your manual handling skills such as transfers, walking, client bed mobility and falls management you can encounter in your job roles. Safe manual handling practices include ways and processes to reduce the risk of injury while performing these duties, such as good posture and use of mechanic aids. You will complete this training equipped with the nationally recognised competency skill requirements to assess, plan
for and provide safe assistance for your clients while keeping yourself safe during work-based physical tasks.

For further information about our policies and procedures:


Common job Outcomes

  • Personal Care Assistant
  • Support Worker

Course breakdown

What you’ll learn in this course

Our blended delivery program provides flexibility for employed health workers and students who have busy lives. Participants work from home for pre-course readings and an online knowledge assessment. Once these are completed, participants come to campus for four (4) hours of practical training and assessment.

Awarded by: YourLife Health & Learning Inc trading as Open Colleges School of Health ABN 39 742 730 429 (RTO 40049 | CRICOS Provider 03733E)

Conduct Manual Handling Safely | SA & WA campus-based learning

Conduct manual tasks safely

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Entry Requirements for HLTWHS005 Conduct manual tasks safely?


There are no pre-requisites for training course HLTWHS005 Conduct manual tasks safely.

What are the Fees and Subsides for studying the HLTWHS005 Conduct manual tasks safely?


The course fee is $120.00 or $60.00 for currently enrolled Open Colleges School of Health nursing students.

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Payment Options

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$NaN Weekly
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$NaN Weekly
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