Health & Community

Diploma of Nursing | SA and WA campus-based learning


Our nationally recognised HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing course offers blended on-campus (face to face) learning. Youā€™ll gain hands-on experience with skills lab training and clinical placements, empowering you to deliver exceptional care to your patients.
  • Nationally Recognised
  • Campus based with Clinical Placement
  • SA: 20% OFF tuition fees for Feb 2025. Limited spaces available.
  • WA cohorts: Feb 25th cut-off (Wednesday + Thursday), Apr 28th cut-ff (Tuesday + Wednesday), Oct 29th cut-off (Thursday + Friday)
  • SA cohorts: June 12th cut-off (Thursday + Friday), September (Monday + Wednesday), October (Tuesday + Friday)
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Diploma of Nursing | SA and WA campus-based learning

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Diploma of Nursing | SA and WA campus-based learning

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Diploma of Nursing | SA and WA campus-based learning

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Intro to Diploma of Nursing | SA and WA campus-based learning

Improve and Save Lives

Our nationally recognised HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing course offers a blend of on-campus and online learning. Youā€™ll gain hands-on experience with skills lab training and clinical placements, empowering you to deliver exceptional care to your patients.

Open Colleges School of Health is committed to providing a training environment that embraces and values diversity and inclusion. We encourage people from diverse community groups including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, LGBTQIA+ and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds to apply to study with us. For further information about our policies and procedures: Complaints and Appeals, Course Progress, Student Engagement & Student Selection

Study for FREE in 2025 in WA!

[WA Students Only]ā€‹ Open Colleges School of Health's, Diploma of Nursing is FREE in WA throughout 2025. If you commence the HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing course in 2025, all tuition fees are 100% subsidised by the WA State Government* for the entire duration of your course. (*Eligibility criteria, terms and conditions apply).

The Student tuition fees are indicative only and are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment. Additional fees may apply such as Student service and resource fees. Each study module within the diploma will attract a resource fee dependent upon itā€™s study load. This fee is not covered by the Skills Ready program and is an incidental student cost. A full outline of the fees and subsidies for Western Australia can be located in the FAQs section.


Common job Outcomes

  • Enrolled Nurse

Course breakdown

What youā€™ll learn in this course

This qualification includes a range of units designed to equip you with the foundational skills and knowledge to work as a nurse in the dynamic healthcare industry. Learn how to perform clinical assessments, contribute to nursing care of people with complex needs and more.

We use a Flipped Classroom methodology supported by blended learning (online and on campus), for the Diploma of Nursing. You will engage with pre-readings and self-directed learning packages before attending your face-to-face facilitated education sessions on campus. The delivery schedule consists of two (2) full days of attendance on campus per week for facilitated education sessions with your educator and practical sessions in our skills lab.

You will be required on average, to commit at least 10 to 20 hours per week, additional study time (in your own time) to complete the pre-readings, online self-directed learning packages, workbooks and assessment materials.

Awarded by: YourLife Health & Learning Inc trading as Open Colleges School of Health ABN 39 742 730 429 (RTO 40049 | CRICOS Provider 03733E)

Diploma of Nursing | SA and WA campus-based learning

  • Reflect on own perspectives
  • Appreciate diversity and inclusiveness, and their benefits
  • Communicate with people from diverse backgrounds and situations
  • Promote understanding across diverse groups
  • Identify cultural safety issues in the workplace
  • Model cultural safety in own work
  • Develop strategies for improved cultural safety
  • Evaluate cultural safety strategies
  • Reflect on own practice
  • Enhance own practice
  • Facilitate ongoing professional development
  • Obtain information about physical health status
  • Check physical health status
  • Identify variations from normal physical health status
5/25 modules
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Frequently Asked Questions

Entry Requirements

The entry requirements for the Diploma of Nursing course at Open Colleges School of Health are as follows.

You will need to:

  • Be 18 years of age or over;
  • Be an Australian Citizen, Australian Permanent Resident or have a permanent humanitarian visa or certain temporary visas with study rights;
  • Reside in South Australia or Western Australia;
  • Provide evidence that you meet one of the Nursing and Midwifery English Language Skills Registration (ELSR) Standard pathways;
  • Complete an online assessment to test your Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) skills against the standard levels of the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF);
  • Provide a declaration regarding your ability to meet the core skill requirements of an Enrolled Nurse (refer to Inherent Requirements below for further information).

Inherent Requirements

Nursing can be a physically and emotionally demanding profession; therefore, it is important that Students possess a certain level of physical fitness and capacity to undertake the tasks and duties required of Enrolled Nurses. To work in the industry, the following skills need to be considered, but are not limited to: Observational, Communication, Technical and/or Motor, Cognitive/Intellectual, Behavioural and Social skills.

Students will be given the opportunity to discuss any concerns or challenges they may have meeting the physical or emotional demands of nursing, during the applicant interview.

Prior to Professional Experience Placement (PEP), you will be required to self-declare that you are fit to undertake the role of a nursing student including (but not limited to) the full list of Inherent Requirements.

The following information is designed to assist a you in making an informed decision about undertaking a nursing career. It outlines the skills and abilities needed to successfully complete the course.

To work in the industry area identified, the following skills need to be considered:

Observational skills ā€“ this includes the ability to:

  • Notice changes in peopleā€™s behaviour, peopleā€™s capability, and the work environment
  • Observe and detect changes in patientsā€™ physical conditions
  • Identify safety hazards and risks in the workplace
  • Observe and understand non-verbal cues (facial expressions and body language)
  • Identify signs of verbal distress and / or aggression

Communication skills ā€“ this includes the ability to:

  • Communicate effectively, using appropriate respectful language, with a diverse range of people including understanding and responding to verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Use Active listening skills
  • Ability to construct accurate, clear, and logical written communication
  • Read, understand, and follow written and verbal instructions
  • Use technology to communicate (e.g. computer for reports, emails, documents) and work within the multi-disciplinary team

Technical and/or Motor skills ā€“ this includes the ability to:

  • Deal with the physical demands of manual tasks (e.g. bending, squatting, kneeling, crouching, repetitive movements, carrying, reaching, grasping, pushing, turning, manipulating objects)
  • Sufficient manual dexterity and use of fine motors skills to undertake manual tasks (pinch, squeeze, press)
  • Be on your feet for extended periods of time, both walking and standing
  • Use equipment and other technology (e.g. computers, push wheelchairs, manual handling equipment)
  • Have sufficient vision and hearing to safely perform the required range of skills (e.g. differentiate sounds that may alert you of a problem - alarms, calls)
  • Deal with body fluids (e.g. urine, faeces, blood)

Cognitive / Intellectual skills ā€“ this includes the ability to:

  • Gather, understand, organise, recall, and communicate information
  • Use appropriate judgement and basic problem-solving skills to respond to situations
  • Understand other peopleā€™s perspectives / opinions and respect their choices
  • Understand and use maths effectively (e.g. measurements, calculations, 24-hour clock)
  • Maintain a sufficient level of concentration to complete an activity / task in a safe manner and within reasonable timeframes
  • Apply and integrate knowledge to practice

Behavioural and Social skills ā€“ this includes the ability to:

  • Demonstrate patience and willingness to work with a variety of people
  • Able to work under pressure and adapt to change
  • Demonstrate professional behaviours (e.g. punctuality, maintaining confidentiality and respect personal boundaries) and take responsibility for own actions ā€“ including use of social media
  • Control your emotions and reactions and withhold personal opinions
  • Tolerate proximity with individuals and be able to interact with all genders
  • Demonstrate a high level of personal hygiene and maintain a neat professional appearance.

Download a copy of our Course Guide for further information about our Entry Requirements including Inherent Requirements.

Professional Experience Placement (PEP) Pre-Requisites

As part of this Diploma you will be required to complete at least three Professional Experience Placements (PEP) totalling a minimum of 400 hours (12 weeks) in a variety of settings.

The placements will give you the opportunity to develop your clinical skills in a real-world setting, and to gain valuable on-the-job experience. Placements are arranged, fully facilitated and supported by Open Colleges School of Health.

Please note that placements are full-time, unpaid and rostered according to standard industry shifts, which may include night shifts, weekends and/or public holidays on rosters of up to 7 days.

Prior to placement you will need to provide evidence of meeting all of the following pre-requisites:

  • A clear and unencumbered Criminal History check
  • A current immunisation record with evidence of up-to-date vaccinations and/or immunity as per the Australian Government Department of Healthā€™s recommended vaccinations for Healthcare workers and any State Government Health Department requirements
  • A current First Aid Certificate (HLTAID011) ā€“ completed as per your course timetable
  • A current Manual Handling Certificate ā€“ completed as per your course timetable
  • Satisfactory completion of COVID-19 online learning modules in accordance with State Health Department requirements
  • A self-declaration that you are fit to undertake the role of a nursing student including but not limited to your ability to meet the core skill requirements of an Enrolled Nurse (refer to Inherent Requirements)
  • Completion of any State Health Department and/or Host Facility requirements, including but not limited to:

o relevant electronic health records system training ā€“ completed as per your course timetable.

Download a copy of our Course Guide for detailed further information about Professional Experience Placements (PEP) including pre-requisites.

Fees for studying in Western Australia

  • Fee Free Study for 2024 -
  • The Free Free Policy, also known as the Jobs and Skills subsidy, is an initiative offered by the Department of Training and Workforce Development WA. Open Colleges School of Health became one of the institutions offering this policy in 2023 and has been extended to 2024. We offer the Diploma of Nursing fee free.
  • Under the Skills Ready subsidy program, tuition fees are full covered, however resource fees, incidental costs and other administration costs may be charged accordingly. These additional costs will be clarified during the enrolment process.
  • Resource fees are charged to cover materials required and used for training. For example, Workshop materials, workbooks/lab materials.
  • Administrative/incidental costs cover study Identification cards, additional uniforms, printing of Statements of Attainments, suspension fees.
  • The Fee free subsidy is subject to eligibility. Any fees charges are indicative only and are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment.

Fees for studying in South Australia:

  • The South Australian Government offer subsidised training and pays part of your accredited courses fees for you.
  • Concessions are also available for subsidised students who hold a current concession card. You can gain more information and check your eligibility for subsidised training when you apply and from
  • Total course costs: $26,000, with a subsidised rate of $14,654.89.
  • Enrol now to receive 10% off the subsidised rate.


  • Monday, 12 February 2024 (Monday and Tuesday campus attendance)
  • Thursday, 11 April 2024 (Thursday and Friday campus attendance)
  • Tuesday, 16 July 2024 (Monday and Tuesday campus attendance)
  • Friday 25 October 2024 (Thursday and Friday campus attendance)


  • Monday, 05 February 2024 (Monday & Thursday campus attendance)
  • Monday, 13 May 2024 (Monday & Wednesday campus attendance)
  • Wednesday, 03 July 2024 (Wednesday & Tuesday campus attendance)
  • Tuesday, 20 August 2024 (Tuesday & Friday campus attendance)

Case studies, Logbook and Portfolios, Practical skills assessments, Quizzes and Multiple-Choice Questions, Role plays, Third party observations, Written assignments

Study and pay, your way

Payment Options

Funding Options

You may be eligible for funding assistance based on your study location
Week to week
Pay as you go
Pay in $0.00 today & then over value instalments
$NaN Weekly
Total course cost: $0.00
From Payright
Pay in value instalments over the length of your course.
$NaN Weekly
Total course cost: $0.00
Pay Upfront
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Funding Options

You may be eligible for funding assistance based on your study location
Western Australia Funding Option

What are the Fees for studying in Western Australia

  • Fee Free Study for 2024 (
  • The Western Australian Government provides fee free study for the full diploma of nursing programs commencing in 2023 through Skills Ready program
  • Each study module within the diploma will attract a student service and resource fee dependent upon its study load. This fee is not covered by the Skills Ready Program and is an incidental student cost. These costs will be clarified during the enrollment process.
  • The Student tuition fees are indicative only and are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment. 
South Australia Funding Option

What are the Fees for studying in South Australia

  • Subsidiesed Training- The South Australian Government pays part of your accredited course fees for you. Concession is also available for subsidised students who hold a current concession card. You can gain more information and your eligibility for subsidised training when you apply and from:
  • The Diploma of Nursing is subsidised by the Government of South Australia and is available at the subsided rate of $9,729.58
VET Student Loan Funding Option

VET Student Loan

  • VET Student Loans: Eligible students are entitled for loans up to a capped amount of $18,097 for this course.
  • VSL: Students will be required to contribute to the gap should the tuition fee exceed the loan cap. Click here for further information (Link to
Full course breakdown