Diploma of Graphic Design CUA50720


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Our nationally recognised CUA50720 Diploma of Graphic Design is designed to combine the technical, creative and conceptual skills you need to create designs that meet client requirements. You’ll learn the fundamentals of graphic design, and move to the more advanced practices of digital design, as well as UX, branding and freelancing.

Course Breakdown


CUA50720 Diploma of Graphic Design

Course duration: Self-paced - maximum of 24 months

Recommended hours per week: 15h

Delivery method: Online

Qualification level: Diploma

Awarded by: Open Colleges Pty Ltd (Provider number: 90796)


Industry Overview

Design is a rapidly changing market and Designers must learn quickly to adapt to new trends in technology. There is expected to be very strong growth in the 5 years to November 2026, with around 14,000 (or 22% growth) new roles expected to be required. 

Source: Australian Government Job Outlook

Is this course for you?

If you love design and technology and have a bit of experience with graphic design (self-taught or through work experience), then the Diploma of Graphic Design may be the course for you. 

The Diploma is a great way to get the skills you need to launch a brand-new career, or if you have been working in the industry, it is the perfect way to formalise your skills and get the qualification you need to take the next step in your career. 

What you will learn

During your studies, you will learn: 

  • Design fundamentals, such as, typography, colour, visual communication and manipulation of graphics and layouts 
  • How to master drawing and illustration, as well as print and packaging 
  • How to understand and interpret branding and identity 
  • How to understand and work with a client design brief 
  • How to work in digital design 
  • Creation of multiplatform assessments 
  • Key skills around developing your own professional design practice, setting you up to work effectively as a freelancer, or in an agency environment 

Learning Material

Your learning materials are accessed through our online platform OpenSpace. These learning materials include 

  • Learning content 
  • Media 
  • Additional resources 
  • Learning activities 
  • Self-checks 

Your trainer

MD Faridul Islam
MD Faridul Islam is the trainer and assessor of Digital Design and Graphic Design. He has been teaching at Open Colleges since April 2018. MD has more than 10 years’ experience in the design industry, including seven years of teaching design in VET.

Academic Information

Open Colleges may make changes to the course from time to time to reflect changes introduced to the relevant Training Package or other regulatory requirements.

Diploma of Graphic Design

Produce typographic design solutions
  • Research type as visual communication
  • Analyse design needs
  • Develop ideas for typographic solutions
  • Manipulate and integrate type
  • Integrate type within the overall design
  • Evaluate typographic design solutions
Create and manipulate graphics
  • Analyse design needs 
  • Develop and refine ideas for graphics 
  • Create graphic objects 
  • Finalise technical aspects of graphics work 
  • Evaluate graphics work 
Integrate colour theory and design processes
  • Research information on colour theory and design processes
  • Communicate ideas through the application of colour and design theory
  • Evaluate design work
Research visual communication history and theory
  • Select focus for research
  • Conduct critical analysis
  • Present ideas about visual communication history and theory
  • Develop own practice from research
Refine drawing and other visual representation tools
  • Evaluate the role of drawing in professional practice 
  • Support and develop practice through experimentation with drawing and visual representation 
  • Assess individual approach to the use of drawing 
5/ modules
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

We understand that you may already have many skills and areas of expertise that you have obtained in different ways and these are recognised through our Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process.

Our Credit Transfer & Recognition of Prior Learning Policy, available in the Key Student Information section of our website, provides more information about our RPL process. Alternatively, you can contact an Enrolment Consultant to discuss your RPL options.

Course Duration

The duration for the course is maximum 24 months. As a self-paced online course, the time it will take you to complete is flexible and dependent on ability and time available.

Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements

Mandatory Local Entry Requirements 

To enter this qualification, students need to be able to demonstrate and/or provide evidence of their graphic design skills and ability. Skills and knowledge may have been acquired through personal or work experience or formal study. 

Students need to be able to: 

  • Produce multiple examples of graphic design work that respond effectively to different design challenges 
  • Produce typography that supports the overall design solution 
  • Use graphic design software 

To ensure a student meets these requirements, you will be required to: 

  • Complete the two graphic design tasks using Adobe Illustrator, InDesign and/or Photoshop, OR 
  • Provide examples of your own existing work that meet similar criteria as below, OR 
  • Enrol in E1414 Graphic Design Pathway program, which includes D0121 Graphic Design Essentials. Successful completion of the Graphic Design Essentials course will provide students with the knowledge and skills to meet the module entry requirements. NOTE: You will not get access to the Diploma of Graphic Design until you have completed Graphic Design Essentials. There is an extra cost associated with the Graphic Design Essentials, which will be discussed as part of enrolment.

Task 1: Produce an A3 (297mm x 420mm) typographic poster that gives reasons why you want to be a graphic designer. The poster must: 

  • Use only 3 colours 
  • Use only one serif font and 1 sans-serif font 
  • As part of the design process, undertake some research into current design trends and incorporate this into your design 

IMPORTANT NOTE: While working on your poster and postcard, you must take 2 screenshots while each piece of work is in development. This allows us to see the software and tools that you are using.

Task 2: Produce a 105mm x 148mm postcard to match your typographic poster. The postcard must: 

  • Share the same style and theme and typography, however, it can only be black and white 
  • Only have 1 reason why you want to be a graphic designer on it.  Select the reason that is most important to you 

IMPORTANT NOTE: While working on your poster and postcard, you must take 2 screenshots while each piece of work is in development. This allows us to see the software and tools that you are using.  

Recommended Local Entry Requirements 

  • Are 18 years old (students under 18 will need permission from a parent or guardian to enrol) 
  • Have language, literacy and numeracy skills that ensure the ability to read and comprehend technical terms design terms, learn complex design task in an online self-paced environment, and communicate effectively through email. These skills are equivalent to those that would be required to successfully complete a qualification at Certificate IV level or higher 
  • Access to a modern computer with high-speed internet 
  • Access to Microsoft Office or equivalent 

To successfully complete this course, students will require the following basic computing skills on enrolment. This includes: 

  • Basic skills in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign 
  • Creating, saving, and editing Microsoft Office documents 
  • Accessing and searching the internet 
  • Downloading and saving documents from websites 
  • Uploading documents through websites/Cloud computing 
  • Understanding of participating in online discussions 
  • Attach and use peripheral devices such as scanners, digital cameras, media storage (e.g., flash drive for design storage). 
  • Saving a compressed file (.zip) 
  • Saving a PDF File and multipage PDF’s 
  • Connecting digital cameras and downloading and storing images 
  • Connecting digital video devices and downloading and storing videos 
  • Compressing image audio and video files 

It is also highly desirable that entrants have: 

  • Familiarity with Internet searches 
  • Experience with social media platforms 
  • Basic experience with Adobe Creative Cloud software 

It is recommended that a student achieves the following ACSF levels to successfully complete this course and be able to learn effectively in a self-paced online environment:  

  • Learning,– Level 4 
  • Reading, writing, oral communication & numeracy – Level 3 

If the student is still concerned about whether they have the skills to complete the course, they will be referred to Admissions as part of the enrolment process to complete a formal LLN assessment through BKSB. If the student does not achieve the recommended ACSF levels, their application will be sent to the Education Manager to determine if Open Colleges has the required level of support services available to support the needs of the student. In some cases, the student may be referred to an external provider such as their local TAFE to complete additional foundation skills training before being enrolled into the course. 

Minimum age

You will need to be at least 18 years old.


All users:

  • Microsoft Office 2013 or above
  • Broadband Internet connection. Please note, ADSL2+ minimum, is recommended due to the volume of downloading and uploading large files required by the course
  • 8GB of RAM minimum, 16GB recommended
  • 1280 x 800 display (1280 x 1024 recommended) with 16 – bit colour and 512 MB of V RAM
  • Adobe Acrobat
  • Access to a printer and associated software
  • Scanner and associated software
  • File compression software
  • Back-up: External Hard drive 1T or above

Mac OS users:

  • Mac OSX El Capitan v 10.11.4

Windows users:

  • Microsoft Windows 8.1 or higher (Windows 10 recommended)
  • 1 .3GHZ minimum or faster processor (2GHz recommended

You will also require a digital camera or mobile phone with camera and related software for taking photos for design tasks and projects and documenting design processes.

Equipment and tools

This course requires you to have access to a specific tools, equipment, and resources.   

Software Requirement (This is Mandatory Material) 

This course requires the use of design industry software.  

You will need access to the Adobe Creative Suite, which can be purchased on subscription through the Adobe Creative Cloud (ACC).  

The ACC subscription is not included in the course fee. Student subscriptions are available at a reduced price.  

Refer to the Adobe website for current pricing.  

Access to others 

Students will need to work with one or two other people to participate in video or audio roleplays. It is the responsibility of the student to find their own suitable role-play participants. 


Study and pay, your way

Payment Options

Week to week
Pay as you go
Save 3%
Pay in $600.00 today & then over 130 instalments
$89.77 Weekly
Total course cost: $12,270.00
Save $400.00
was $12,670.00
Pay as you go
Save 3%
Pay in 78 instalments over the length of your course.
$157.30 Weekly
Total course cost: $12,270.00
Save $400.00
was $12,670.00
Pay Upfront
Save 40%
$7,602.00 Save $5,068.00
was $12,670.00
Full course breakdown

Studying online with Open Colleges

Flexibility - study at your own pace

When you study online with Open Colleges you’re in control.

You can choose to complete your course quickly, or keep to a steady pace. Learning is fully flexible so you can fit your everyday commitments around your studies.

Everything you need to study is online so you can study wherever you like – but that doesn’t mean you’re on your own.

OpenSpace is our online learning platform. It’s where you’ll go to access your learning materials, contact your expert trainers and assessors and upload your assessments.

What is OpenSpace?

It’s important to us that we deliver a superior, online learning platform that meets our students’ needs. That’s why we have upgraded to our brand new, custom-designed learning platform, OpenSpace.

OpenSpace provides you with a user-friendly interface, that is mobile responsive. This means that you can complete your coursework using your laptop, iPad, or mobile device. All coursework is automatically saved, providing you with the flexibility you need to complete your studies anywhere, anytime.

How to get support?

Learning Support

The learning support team will be with you every step of the way, from enrolment to graduation. They’re here to help you get the most out of your online course. They can assist by providing non-academic support - like helping you craft an achievable study plan so that you can graduate in a realistic timeframe. If you’re finding it tough to stay motivated throughout your course, they’ll be there to help keep you on track.

Student support

The Student Support team is your one-stop service centre for all student administrative issues – including enrolment, change of contact details, OpenSpace support, assessment results and certification.

You can access the Student Support team by email or phone

How would you like to pay for your course?
  • Payment Plan

    Deposit Required

    Upfront Cost

    $600.00 due today
    and $89.77 pay weekly

    • Pay in 130 instalments
    • Save 3%
    • Total course cost: $12,270.00 was $12,670.00
    • No credit check required
  • View more details View less details
  • Enrol now, Pay Later

    No Deposit Required

    Upfront Cost

    $0 due today
    and $157.30 pay fortnightly

    • Pay in 78 instalments interest free
    • Save 3%
    • Total course cost: $12,270.00 was $12,670.00
    • Paid fortnightly, over the length of your course with
    • Credit check required
  • View more details View less details
  • Pay Upfront

    Best Value

    Upfront Cost

    $7,602.00 $12,670.00

    • One off payment
    • Save 40%
    • Total course cost: $7,602.00 was $12,670.00
    • Get the best value when you pay upfront
    • Pay in 4 with
    • Visa
    • Mastercard
    • Apple Pay
    • American Express
    • PayPal
  • View more details View less details

Speak with an advisor to discuss other payment options. Call 1300 853 033.


MD Faridul Islam

Design & Technology
MD Faridul Islam is the trainer and assessor of Digital Design and Graphic Design. He has been teaching at Open Colleges since April 2018. MD has more than 10 years’ experience in the design industry, including seven years of teaching design in VET.
MD Faridul Islam is the trainer and assessor of Digital Design and Graphic Design. He has been teaching at Open Colleges since April 2018. MD has more than 10 years’ experience in the design industry, including seven years of teaching design in VET. MD has obtained several qualifications from a range of design courses, including; Masters in Digital Design, Graduate Certificate in Design, CIV in Graphic Design, Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, Diploma of Screen, and Media and Diploma of Multimedia.

MD has solid industry experience in graphic and digital technology-based designs. His areas of expertise are – logo design, illustration, web design, 3D design, UI/UX, branding and identity, digital design including game development. As a designer, MD believes there is no end of learning. Design is his passion. As a trainer, he learns every day and loves to share his skills among keen design cohorts