Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care CHC30121


This nationally recognised CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care will transform your love of teaching and working with children into a rewarding career. You will learn the skills, knowledge, and experience to support the health, safety and development of children and to plan activities to promote children’s learning through play.

Course Breakdown


CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

Course duration: Self-paced - maximum of 18 months

Recommended hours per week: 18h

Delivery method: Online with Work Placement

Qualification level: Certificate III

Awarded by: Open Colleges Pty Ltd (Provider number: 90796)


Industry Overview

By Australian law, every childcare worker in Australia must now have this qualification (at a minimum). . 

The CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care is recognised by the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). This means that you can take this qualification anywhere within Australia and work as an accredited childcare worker.  

Job growth is moderate across the sector with 134,200 employed as a Child Carers in 2021. 

Over the next three years, this number is expected to grow to 142,100 by 2026. 

Source: Australian Government Job Outlook ( 

Is this course for you?

The Certificate is perfect for people who are wanting to start a career as an Early Childhood Educator, as well as for those who are already working in the area but who need to formalise their qualifications in order to take the next step in their career.  

This course is suitable for those with some childcare experience already, who may be seeking to formalise their knowledge. The course is also suitable for new entrants as it is direct entry with no pre-requisite subjects. 

What you will learn

During the course, you will learn how to: 

  • Effectively and confidently care for babies, toddlers and children and support their development during the vitally important early childhood years. 
  • Promote safe sleep; provide positive nappy-changing, toileting and mealtime experiences; and create a healthy, supportive and safe environment for babies and toddlers. 
  • Master the art of caring for slightly older children. As part of this, you will learn how to promote kids’ development in a safe, healthy and inspiring manner, as well as how to encourage physical activity and how to help them adjust to change. 

Learning Material

Your learning materials are access through our online platform OpenSpace. These learning materials include 

  • Learning content 
  • Media 
  • Additional resources 
  • Learning activities 
  • Self-checks 

Your trainer

Debra Hine
Debra has been involved in the Early Childhood Education and Care in various forms for more than 20 years. She has completed her Nursing Diploma and begun her career as a Mothercraft Nurse, caring for babies, toddlers and young children
Charmaine Debono
Charmaine has worked in early childhood education and care settings for 10 years with children from aged 0-5 years. Whilst working as an Early Childhood Teacher, she completed a Certificate III and Diploma in Children’s Services, and went on to complete a Bachelor of Education (Birth to 5 years).

Academic Information

Open Colleges may make changes to the course from time to time to reflect changes introduced to the relevant Training Package or other regulatory requirements.

Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

Meet legal and ethical obligation's in childrens education and care
  • Identify legal and ethical obligations. 
  • Meet legal and ethical obligations. 
  • Contribute to workplace improvements. 
Work effectively in childrens education and care
  • Source and use information on work in children’s education and care. 
  • Work within service requirements. 
  • Use effective work practices. 
  • Work collaboratively. 
  • Develop personal professional practice.
Provide experiences to support childrens play and learning
  • Create environments for play. 
  • Support children’s agency through play and learning. 
  • Review and evaluate play opportunities. 
Observe children to inform practice
  • Observe and interact with children. 
  • Seek information from secondary sources. 
  • Record and communicate information. 
  • Analyse and interpret information and observations. 
  • Contribute to curriculum planning. 
Support the holistic learning and development of children
  • Support physical development. 
  • Support social development. 
  • Support emotional development. 
  • Support cognitive development. 
  • Support communication development. 
  • Support holistic learning and development. 
5/ modules
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

We understand that you may already have many skills and areas of expertise that you have obtained in different ways and these are recognised through our Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process.

Our Credit Transfer & Recognition of Prior Learning Policy, available in the Key Student Information section of our website, provides more information about our RPL process. Alternatively, you can contact an Enrolment Consultant to discuss your RPL options.

Course Duration

The duration for the course is self paced - maximum of 18 months. As a self-paced online course, the time it will take you to complete is flexible and dependent on ability and time available.

Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements

There are no entry requirements for this qualification. It is also recommended that students

  • Are 18 years old (students under 18 will need permission from a parent or guardian to enrol)
  • Have language, literacy and numeracy skills that ensure the ability to work independently with assistance from a support person where required, extract information from simple text, and communicate with trainers via email. These skills are equivalent to those that would be required to successfully complete Year 10 or ACSF Level 2.
  • Have basic computing skills

Minimum age

You will need to be at least 18 years old.

Physical Requirements

You will need to be reasonably physically fit, as the role of an educator involves a variety of tasks that require a reasonable amount of physical activity, such as personal care of children, and cleaning. Some lifting of children and equipment is also required. You should be suitably fit to undertake this manual lifting. 

Equipment and tools

Students will require access to the following equipment and tools

  • A modern computer with high-speed internet
  • Microsoft office or equivalent
  • A device with audio & video capabilities
  • People to participate in role plays & assessments

Language, Literacy and Numeracy

Our free online assessment tool can help give you an idea of the language, literacy and numeracy skills needed to study a VET course. This tool can also help you determine your learning level and help you plan your future studies. You can access the Language, Literacy and Numeracy tool here.


Work Placement

This course contains a minimum of 200 hours of work placement.

What are the benefits?

  • By undertaking a work placement you’ll get a chance to put the knowledge you’ve learned on your course into practice.
  • You’ll also develop practical, on-the-job skills and could make contacts that could help you find a job once you graduate.
  • Work placement is often the most rewarding part of a student’s course. Working face-to-face with clients and colleagues in your chosen field makes a huge difference to your career confidence.

How do I find a work placement?

Focus on your studies while we handle your work placement. Through our partnership with SkilTrak, our Guaranteed Work Placement ensures you gain hands-on experience in your dream career—right in your local area. Learn more

How does Guaranteed Work Placement work?

  • Meet with SkilTrak – Their team will discuss your skills, goals, location, and travel preferences to arrange the best placement for you.
  • We’ll do the work – While you continue your coursework, we’ll be behind the scenes securing the perfect placement match.
  • Get the details – Have a quick chat with us to go over what to expect from your work placement experience.
  • Start your placement – Gain real-world experience while we check in along the way to ensure everything is running smoothly.5. Complete your course – Once your placement is done, upload your workbooks, finish your final assessment, and receive your certificate.

Host organisation

Your placement hours can be done part time or as a block depending on the requirements and availability within the workplace. 

The Host Organisation needs to be able to provide the students with access to the equipment and resources necessary to undertake Workplace Assessments. The Host Organisation must be a regulated children’s education and care service in Australia, operating under the legislative requirements of the National Quality Framework. 

Workplaces suitable to undertake SWL at include (but are not limited to): 

  • Long day care services catering for children 0-5 years of age  
  • Preschools  

Open Colleges will need to ascertain whether the workplace you have chosen is appropriate before you commence your work placement hours. 


Please note that your host organisation may require you to provide an up to date immunisation history prior to the commencement of your work placement. Open Colleges has no control over this requirement so if you are unable to provide this, you will need to discuss it with your intended Host Organisation.

It should also be noted that some immunisations, such as Hepatitis B and COVID-19, need multiple injections to be administered over a specific time period before you are deemed immune. It is important that you consult with your GP as soon as possible to avoid delays in starting your work placement.

Supervisor requirements

The Workplace Supervisor will need to be an individual currently employed as an educator with: 

  • A minimum qualification of a Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care or above 
  • A minimum of three years’ experience in the role of Diploma Educator 

Study and pay, your way

Payment Options

Week to week
Pay as you go
Save 4%
Pay in $600.00 today & then over 78 instalments
$60.13 Weekly
Total course cost: $5,290.00
Save $200.00
was $5,490.00
Pay as you go
Save 3%
Pay in 78 instalments over the length of your course.
$67.82 Weekly
Total course cost: $5,290.00
Save $200.00
was $5,490.00
Pay Upfront
Save 40%
$3,294.00 Save $2,196.00
was $5,490.00
Full course breakdown

Studying online with Open Colleges

Flexibility - study at your own pace

When you study online with Open Colleges you’re in control.

You can choose to complete your course quickly, or keep to a steady pace. Learning is fully flexible so you can fit your everyday commitments around your studies.

Everything you need to study is online so you can study wherever you like – but that doesn’t mean you’re on your own.

OpenSpace is our online learning platform. It’s where you’ll go to access your learning materials, contact your expert trainers and assessors and upload your assessments.

What is OpenSpace?

It’s important to us that we deliver a superior, online learning platform that meets our students’ needs. That’s why we have upgraded to our brand new, custom-designed learning platform, OpenSpace.

OpenSpace provides you with a user-friendly interface, that is mobile responsive. This means that you can complete your coursework using your laptop, iPad, or mobile device. All coursework is automatically saved, providing you with the flexibility you need to complete your studies anywhere, anytime.

How to get support?

Learning Support

The learning support team will be with you every step of the way, from enrolment to graduation. They’re here to help you get the most out of your online course. They can assist by providing non-academic support - like helping you craft an achievable study plan so that you can graduate in a realistic timeframe. If you’re finding it tough to stay motivated throughout your course, they’ll be there to help keep you on track.

Student support

The Student Support team is your one-stop service centre for all student administrative issues – including enrolment, change of contact details, OpenSpace support, assessment results and certification.

You can access the Student Support team by email or phone

How would you like to pay for your course?
  • Payment Plan

    Deposit Required

    Upfront Cost

    $600.00 due today
    and $60.13 pay weekly

    • Pay in 78 instalments
    • Save 4%
    • Total course cost: $5,290.00 was $5,490.00
    • No credit check required
  • View more details View less details
  • Enrol now, Pay Later

    No Deposit Required

    Upfront Cost

    $0 due today
    and $67.82 pay fortnightly

    • Pay in 78 instalments interest free
    • Save 3%
    • Total course cost: $5,290.00 was $5,490.00
    • Paid fortnightly, over the length of your course with
    • Credit check required
  • View more details View less details
  • Pay Upfront

    Best Value

    Upfront Cost

    $3,294.00 $5,490.00

    • One off payment
    • Save 40%
    • Total course cost: $3,294.00 was $5,490.00
    • Get the best value when you pay upfront
    • Pay in 4 with
    • Visa
    • Mastercard
    • Apple Pay
    • American Express
    • PayPal
  • View more details View less details

Speak with an advisor to discuss other payment options. Call 1300 853 033.


Debra Hine

Debra has been involved in the Early Childhood Education and Care in various forms for more than 20 years. She has completed her Nursing Diploma and begun her career as a Mothercraft Nurse, caring for babies, toddlers and young children
Debra has been involved in the Early Childhood Education and Care in various forms for more than 20 years. She has completed her Nursing Diploma and begun her career as a Mothercraft Nurse, caring for babies, toddlers and young children.

Debra then took a position as a School Services Officer before she moved on to working as a Fieldworker for Family Day Care for 4 years. During this time she completed a Diploma in Children’s Services with TAFESA and a degree in Children’s Services with Charles Darwin University.

An opportunity arose to work with TAFESA where she remained until December 2019, having been with them for almost 20 years. Debra is a passionate trainer and assessor and has worked across Certificate III and the Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care.

Charmaine Debono

Charmaine has worked in early childhood education and care settings for 10 years with children from aged 0-5 years. Whilst working as an Early Childhood Teacher, she completed a Certificate III and Diploma in Children’s Services, and went on to complete a Bachelor of Education (Birth to 5 years).
Charmaine has worked in early childhood education and care settings for 10 years with children from aged 0-5 years. Whilst working as an Early Childhood Teacher, she completed a Certificate III and Diploma in Children’s Services, and went on to complete a Bachelor of Education (Birth to 5 years).

Charmaine also gained a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment to allow her to share her passion for early childhood education and care with others.