Our custom-designed learning platform, OpenSpace, provides you with a user-friendly interface, that is mobile responsive. It’s about letting you study from anywhere, when it suits you. Our cutting-edge learning platform has been custom designed to keep students engaged and motivated while they study.

Countless possibilities, one learning platform.
OpenSpace allows you to complete your coursework using your laptop, iPad, or mobile device.
All coursework is automatically saved from any device, providing you with the flexibility you need to complete your studies anywhere, anytime - and the relief that your work will never be lost!
It even has text to speech capability, so you can have your study materials read out loud while you go about your daily business - learn on the go, in your car, on the train, the choice is yours.
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What is the Open Colleges learning platform like?
OpenSpace is our custom-designed platform that you can access anywhere, any time, on any device. It hosts all our coursework and acts as a central point for uploading and downloading all your course documents.

A new way to study
OpenSpace is our online campus that allows you to conveniently study around your everyday life.