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7 rewarding careers that help people

Are you looking for a meaningful career helping others that’s more than just a pay cheque? Most of us need a sense of meaning to feel satisfied in our job.
According to a new study, the secret to career fulfillment is finding a job that involves helping others. Whether you dream of shaping the life of a young person, caring for the elderly or counselling people who have experienced addiction, there are jobs that help people in every industry that involve nurturing and protecting vulnerable members of society.
Here are seven careers that focus on helping people:
Youth Worker
Children from troubled homes can often miss out on the support they need to live independently, and are at risk of developing addictions or becoming homeless later in life. A Youth Worker’s role is to provide support and help shape the lives of disadvantaged children so that they have a better start in life. Youth work is dynamic, with no two days being the same and allows for plenty of opportunity to be involved as a mentor. Youth work is for those who want to do more than just work behind a desk—it is a career that offers a hands-on approach to helping young people build their sense of identity and belonging.
Out of all the jobs that help people, nursing is one of the most trusted professions, because nurses look after the most intimate needs of patients. They are responsible for the care of sick or injured patients and part of their role may involve being a confidant to a patient who just needs someone to listen. It is a very practical career path that suits someone who enjoys regularly interacting with people and meeting their emotional needs as well.
Rehabilitation Counsellor
If your dream job is helping people with disabilities gain greater independence in their lives, then a Rehabilitation Counsellor might be the role for you. A Rehabilitation Counsellor assists people with disabilities and medical conditions to achieve independence through job placement and living arrangements. Rehabilitation Counsellors need skills in personal counselling, vocational assessment and training, injury prevention, and independent living planning. Many Rehabilitation Counsellors work alongside State and Federal funded rehabilitation services to help those with a disability or medical condition get back on their feet.
A child’s earliest memories are those associated with school, and a positive learning environment is one that can shape their attitude to education for rest of their lives. Being a teacher means being closely involved with children and helping them develop in a social environment. Teachers often report high levels of satisfaction in their jobs, noting that shaping the minds of young children makes their efforts incredibly worthwhile.
School Counsellor
While teaching is a tremendously rewarding career path, not everyone is prepared to work in the classroom. If your interests lie in helping children gain confidence and assisting them during times of distress you may want to consider a career as a school counsellor. School counsellors are responsible for the wellbeing of students, and are there to offer a hand in times of need. Children who are experiencing problems at school or at home may not discuss issues with their teacher or parents, which is why it is important to be in-tune with the needs of your students and be willing to give even the most difficult child a chance. It is a highly rewarding role that helps equip children with the resources they need to achieve academic and personal success.
Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Worker
Alcohol and substance abuse affects 1 in 20 Australians and the consequences of addiction are wide-spread. Addiction is often misunderstood and those who suffer from it face the stigma of being an ‘addict’. AOD workers are helping to bridge the gap of misunderstanding by supporting people with drug and alcohol issues through interventions and counselling. AOD workers can also act as advocates for causes by promoting awareness and education. Many AOD workers find that seeing people come out the other side of addiction is one of the most rewarding aspects of their job.
Aged care worker
Aged care workers are in high demand as Australia faces a growing ageing population. Taking care of the elderly is one of the most rewarding (yet demanding) jobs within the health care sector. There are a number of areas within this industry that you can focus on including social support, personal care, palliative care, dementia care, and many more. Working with the elderly is unique in that you will develop close relationships with the people you care for.
Do any of these careers interest you? Arm yourself with the skills, knowledge and qualifications to get the career of your dreams with courses like the Diploma of Counselling, Community Services, Youth Work and more. Get in touch today to learn more about how you can help others in your career.